Page 5 - eCatalogCLICK_en-EN_formatos-especificaciones-tarifa
P. 5

ATTRACTIONS                                        BRAND INTEGRITY

             Captivate your readers from the                    Each eCatalogCLICK becomes an

             first page to the last: create                     extension of your brand, with your

             realistic digital flipbooks with                   interactive logo and branded

             embedded videos, images, and                       publication links.

             external links.

             BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES                             BEST SALES

             Get potential customers from your                  With the sales proposals, you will

             eCatalogCLICK with an integrated                   be able to know how potential

             link to your recruitment or contact                customers interact with your

             form and collect the information,                  content, you will receive them by e

             etc.                                               -mail and you will be able to

                                                                respond at the right time.


             Improve your marketing with

             eCatalogCKICK adapted for SEO

             with the insertion of your "Google

             Analytics" code, and you will be

             able to analyze its integrated

             statistics and improve them using

             the results.
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