New technologies today offer a breakthrough in business relationships between:
Business relationships have evolved with new technologies:
Now, the conditions are in place so that, without further delay, the authentic r-evolution of commercial relations arrives.
As a base, the usual catalogs and enriched with interactive elements.
eCatalog.Click are based on the same technology as web pages and can include all kinds of interactivity: video, audio, links, sharing on social networks and by email, inserting into sites (web, blogs), hyperlinks, etc. .
Today, with the internet and accustomed to handling electronic devices, and the ease of use of ecatalod.clikc, users have felt immediately attracted to them, easily adapting to their use.
.- In mobile devices, it incorporates a use or help button.
The was born precisely to be an alternative. It allows to pass or turn the pages from click to click or automatically, zoom to better visualize the details of the products.
It adapts to any size-screen, from a smartphone to computers and smartTV.
Without printing and distribution costs
Conversion of your PDF catalogs to format
Customer Support
e-mail: info @
Administrative headquarters
(Online attention only)
eCatalog . Click
( Cibernetica XX+I ESPJ, CB )
Bussiness center "e-Business B2B2C ES-ALC-EU"
28280 El Escorial, Madrid, Spain
e-mail: info @
Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday:
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays: Closed.